Displays in Natural Science and news about the Gift Shop

Gilboa Museum

The original Gilboa Museum focuses on Natural History, and also houses the Gift Shop and the indoor Children’s Activities center. Alterations to this room during the construction of the Nicholas J. Juried Historical Center were minimal, but we have made subsequent modifications that we will describe here.

Natural History Wall

There are four themes shown on our current Natural Science wall. However, all of them have undergone some changes with the publication of a new book published by the Gilboa Historical Society, and we will be revising the entire wall this fall.  The book is Stein-Hernick-Mannolini: The Catskills Fossil Forests, 2022, and you can get it here in the Gift Shop.

    • Early discoveries and collections of fossils from the Devonian period.
    • A major discovery made in 2005 in Conesville;
    • A new mapping technology developed for a new fossil forest in 2010; and
    • The 2018 Cairo discovery of a modern root system in a significantly older fossil forest.

Because of the reputation of Winifred Goldring and the strength of her documentation on the Gilboa fossils, 20th century work done 1930 had not been sufficiently integrated into paleontological literature. We will be updating that missing history.

The  discovery of a single, 26 foot fossil with roots, trunk, and crown made major news in 2005. However, with further study, hindsight, and new pictures (in this case, a 3-D reproduction of the crown that can be seen nowhere else), we will improve our presentation .

When the NYC DEP started excavating the reservoir spillway in 2010, they found an older fossil forest within a few hundred feet from the Riverside Quarry. This team developed new techniques for excavating the site, cleaning and recording the information, and then mapping it for future study. 

And finally, in 2018, Dr. Chuck Ver Staeten’s team found a large, modern-style root system of a tree in a fossil forest. This would be no big deal, with the exception that it was a new modern tree and it was found in a fossil forest significantly more ancient that of our Gilboa forests.

Gift Shop

The Gift Shop in the original Museum was basically a closet with a single door and no windows. It could hold about 2-3 people and was not an attractive place to spend your money. And it was even worse in 2020 and social distancing.

Nick Juried recognized that the Gift Shop should be a market, and ours did not measure up. He didn’t want to make it into a huge or high-end retail outlet, but he did think that it should look appropriate for the museum have.

We ended up using the same space, bur hired Amish craftsman to turn the Gift Shop around. They took out the front (non-bearing) wall, used subway tile to brighten the space, and added shelving for books, toys, etc. Nelta has tapped members who are interested in the individual  product lines, and the number of sales had soared. We have a shop that draws people in, and product lines for children, families, and seniors.

12 TO 4 S
aturday and Sundays
Memorial Day to Columbus Day.

(607) 588-6894 to set up a tour.  

Map for the Gilboa Museum.

September, 2024

Wednesday, 9/18 at 6: Bobby Curious
click here
After Bobby and refreshments, we will discuss the purchase of the museum property, plans for the addition under construction, and the near-total renovation of the 2024 exhibits. We will also cover next month’s annual meeting, changes to the by-laws, and status of our upcoming board elections.

• Thursday, 09/19, a lunchtime visit by the Mountaintop Seniors, with Museum resource people at each area display.

Saturday, 9/21, 10 a.m.:


(607) 437 7132

A field trip to Cairo quarry. The oldest fossil forest in the world, hosted by Dr. Chuck Ver Straeton, Geologist from the NY State Museum.
     We will also be shown geological outcroppings in the area.
     MEET at Gilboa Museum to depart at 10:00 for Cairo 
     OR meet at the Cairo Highway Department garage,  755 Route 145, Cairo, NY  at 10:40 am.
     For information call Kristen Wyckoff at (607) 437 7132 or email her at kristen.wyckoff@yahoo.com

Saturday, 9/28, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Amy Silberkleit  print-making workshop
Click here

October, 2024
• Wednesday, 10/16, 6 p.m.:

Annual Meeting of Gilboa Historical Society & election of board members.

Saturday, 10/19/ 1 p.m. Bob & Johanna Titus talk about the geologic basis of Catskill Mountains art

November, 2024
• Sunday, 11/17, 11 a.m.:
Holiday Boutique at Gilboa Museum.

Wednesday, 11/20, 6 p.m.: General program TBA.

December, 2024
• Wednesday, 12/11, 6 p.m.:
Raffle and Bottle Auction and a pot luck dinner. 

The Board of Gilboa Historical Society meets at 1:00 p.m. on the 4th Wednesday of each month.

Unlinked pages are under construction.√

GHS Facebook page
Gilboa Museum Gift Shop

Gilboa Historical Society
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GHS — Who We Are
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Gilboa Fossils and the Devonian ecology
Gilboa Fossils, a site of the Gilboa Historical Society.

Nicholas J. Juried History Center
Gilboa Village (under construction)
Gilboa Reservoir (under construction)

Map for the Gilboa Museum 

Communications between you and the Society is key to your enjoyment and our success.
     You can type out your information on this form
, save it to your desktop, and email it or print it out and send it to the Society (PO Box 52, Gilboa, NY 12076)
     Our annual membership is based on an anniversary date established when we process your check. A renewal would simply add 12 months to the projected expiration date, while lapsed memberships are seen as new ones without penalty for the lapse.

Member benefits

  • All GHSNewsletters and mailings.
  • Gift shop discounts of 10% on all sales.


For donations, please use the QR code